17 February 2005

Fundamentals of Majong...

Today was a dreadful day!! I've been trapped at home doing work. Urgh!!! After that 10,000 word dissertation, now I'll have to complete another one.. Not that heavy in word count.. but not much lighter. 6K loh... :(
Very grim for the whole week already... But perks of the day? haha.. Mom bought roasted duck and bak kwa!! Wah.. haha.. At least I have a good dinner lah..
Then Jordan came to visit and we had coffee after that. Since nothing to do, so he explained the fundamentals of Majong to me. I was never interested in Majong till I met him.. Well, he's downright obsessed with the game.. So I guess it'll be good that I learn.. It was kinda confusing.. all that "Wan's", "bamboo's", "tong's" and stuff.. But I'm keen. Cause gambling for leisure could be fun... So many of my friends are playing it. How can I be left out??.. haha..

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