16 April 2005

Jaded... The only verb to describe how exactly I'm feeling now. My fuels are running low from all the late nights. So is my youth... My pair of eyebags are definately not showing me any mercy.

Through all the hussle and bustle of the lifestyle we lead, is the primary goal of living just to fill our lungs and stomachs to keep the mechanicms of our mortal shell running? Sole purpose of living is somehow more than that. How I wish it's just that simple.

Work: we work hard indeed to put food on the table, put clothes on ourselves. And some evil employers just like to make our lives harder because some other people didn't make it easier for them. What kind of a f-up world are we living in? I've been curious. I've been questioning the logic of life for the longest time... Why is there even the money in the first place? Why do we all have to be slaves to $$$?? Why do we have to study for the sake of earning more $$$?? I hate it... Cause I'm penniless. I'm shit without dollars and cents. Cause the logic of living, working and spending just doesn't make sense...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear, i truly understand how u feel. But do realise u have left out something very impt in your "dilemma"? Your Catholic faith. Certainly, the primary goal in life is not working to satisfy our physical hunger, but ALSO our spiritual hunger. It does not mean we should embrace religion like there's no tomorrow (although jesus tells to prepare ourselves in the most unlikely hr), but the fact is we should keep God constantly in our lives, and remember that no matter what happens to us, he, Jesus and Mary will always be there for us, to comfort us and to guide us. It is true that money is essential, becoz w/o it, we would not have the means to survive. But, money is not the sole self-attained "deity" that we should all strive upon. Life is much more than that. Its unfortunate that some ppl use unscruplous means to achieve material wealth, but as good catholics, lets all pray that these pple may find a more worthwhile goal in life. Money is not evil. Indulgence in it is. Dear, i know how u feel, but to me this is a standard cycle we all cant run away from. Money is just the reward we get from work, life is much more than that. Why not try reading the bible when u have doubts or problems? It'll really calm u down and give u a sense of peace. I can honestly say i used not profess such a deep faith, but sometimes reading the bible brings u away from the superficial world we live in, and i have grown to enjoy it. Its like a oasis in the midst of a desert, very refreshing and brings u right down to earth. That your life on earth, is to prepare you for eternal life in heaven. Hope i dont sound too "biblical" haha, most imptly, just remember that family, frds, love and religion is much more impt than the attainment of material. And im sure my presence will make your life more purposeful? Hehe. I'll be praying for u. Love u.