Oh my.. What kind of a coo-coo-nathan am I? I can actually mis-spelled "patriotism" as "patronism"! There's a vast difference between the two, ok? Haha..
Just got the email strap with the "time-bomb".. Know why? Cause when the deadline's here, my classmate will all be brutally "massacred". Haha.. Ok.. Enough of my Unhumourous Humour. Probably what Jordan refer to as "tumor in your humour", pretty much a rip-off from some song.
The stay-over at Cheryl's place was pretty neat last night. We just can't stop talking. Well, it is indeed true when they describe : "2 women = a market"... I felt the closeness and warmth of friendship once again. Awww... What good are we without friends, right???
I'm kinda chilling to some Classical music. Yesh, classicals are pretty neat, at times... Something to take me away from the R&Bs, Rock and Punk. I particularly like Bach's Suite No. 1, Prelude played by Yo Yo Ma. And also some of Tchaikovsky's. Those of Tchai's are very story-telling. Pieces like Swan Lake and the Nutcracker Suite. I'm surprise to even find Peter and the Wolf. I think my all-time favourite is still Air on G-string, a very soothing piece, also by Bach. When I tell people, they always poke at the word "G-string". I don't know what to say to that.. *shrugs*
Not many people know this side of me. But besides Classical music, I'm a big fan of musicals. And secretly, my unrealistic ambition is to be part of the crew *erhmm.. backstage, I mean..*, do some stage designing, many even some prop or costume design, tour the world with the cast, curtsies during curtain calls, roaring applause, crowd shouting "Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore", Stares back at crowd with the oh-so-touched teary eye... Arghh.. This is life! But *slap* back to reality, deadline aka time-bomb is going to explode in my face in less than a month. And I'm like less than 10% done. Without this degree I can forget about going anywhere lah.. haha.. So I'm going to enclose myself in my burrow to churn that project out! Go passion! Go ambition! Go dreams! Yeah right.. Dream on.. haha.. Whatever..
28 April 2005
27 April 2005
Woa... My tongue is tinkling from the conversation I just had minutes ago... I just got my "conversational-drive' going and I can't stop! Even when my partner on the other side of the phone was already in "screen-saver" mode. I'm going to convert this energy into my blog.. haha..
Sharing knowledge is indeed a beautiful thing. And I viewed it as a powerful form of ballyhooing any kind of information, ever heard of the term "by word of mouth"? Yeah, that's what I meant... There's so much to learn from others. Take it with an open mind and learn. Give some food for your thoughts. Pick on a topic and battle it out with a debate. That's my favourite part.
Since I'm now a full-fledge adult and possess voting power, I should put in my 2-cents worth about our relatively new political figure here. It's none other than PM, Lee HL. When he first assumed the PM position, I thought he'll be just a figure living in his father's shadow. No doubt, his dad had indeed brought Singapore forward into economical limelight, in Asia at least, and also lead us to live the comfortable life we have now. It would be harder for him to cast a futher milestone. However, I can't turn a blind eye to the effort he put in developing national identity amongst us youngsters. To think about it, how many of us are actually proud to be Singaporeans? And to confess, how many of us complain about Singapore so much that at one point of time thought of migrating when the time is right? I have these exact thoughts before when I was a little younger. I used to think Singaporeans are ugly, They are kiasu, kiasi and Sing-lish is an ultimate disgrace. Nevertheless, our home is our home. And our culture and heritage is what we should be proud of, and humbly embrace it. Why look at the ugly side of Singaporeans? If you think that the grass is greeener on the other side of the world, I really think you should start travelling. This is the only ground where you are treated like first-class citizens, you get the right to complain, you get to walk along Orchard road smugly without racism comments (ok.. for me, at least). Personally I've been to places.. And in some places I don't called home, I totally got judged by my colour and labelled as a Communist Pig. And my less fortunate friends got kicked by some total strangers. Why? Just because of our colour...
I used to work in an English joint during the Worldcup season. Actually I was impressed by the patriotism those expats expressed when they came in for the game. At the sound of their national anthem, they sang along, loudly. I don't think us, Singaporean, will croon to the tune of Majulah Singapura anywhere. And to mention, one embarassing incident, during the semi-finals of the Tiger Cup at the National Stadium. The one where Singapore versus Mynnmar. The amount of Singaporean fans to the opposing team was 4:1. The Burmese fans truly sang their hearts out to their national anthem but in comparasion to our local counterpart, you can literally hear a pin drop from where I was sitting. Have all our Lions supporters lost their voices? From my judgement, apparently not! Not from all the "Referee Ka-U!!!"s, "Kelong ah!!!!"s, "Stupid Agu!! Your head gold (blonde), very heavy is it!!!"s...
From all these, highest level of patriotism: Anticipate for the 9th of August every year. Each Singaporean's heart will soar as high as the sparks of the fire works will take them *oh yes! We love Singapore!* and evanesce almost the same time the fireworks stop...
P/S: Since fireworks has such amazing powers, dear political leaders... You know what to do during election season! hehe..
Sharing knowledge is indeed a beautiful thing. And I viewed it as a powerful form of ballyhooing any kind of information, ever heard of the term "by word of mouth"? Yeah, that's what I meant... There's so much to learn from others. Take it with an open mind and learn. Give some food for your thoughts. Pick on a topic and battle it out with a debate. That's my favourite part.
Since I'm now a full-fledge adult and possess voting power, I should put in my 2-cents worth about our relatively new political figure here. It's none other than PM, Lee HL. When he first assumed the PM position, I thought he'll be just a figure living in his father's shadow. No doubt, his dad had indeed brought Singapore forward into economical limelight, in Asia at least, and also lead us to live the comfortable life we have now. It would be harder for him to cast a futher milestone. However, I can't turn a blind eye to the effort he put in developing national identity amongst us youngsters. To think about it, how many of us are actually proud to be Singaporeans? And to confess, how many of us complain about Singapore so much that at one point of time thought of migrating when the time is right? I have these exact thoughts before when I was a little younger. I used to think Singaporeans are ugly, They are kiasu, kiasi and Sing-lish is an ultimate disgrace. Nevertheless, our home is our home. And our culture and heritage is what we should be proud of, and humbly embrace it. Why look at the ugly side of Singaporeans? If you think that the grass is greeener on the other side of the world, I really think you should start travelling. This is the only ground where you are treated like first-class citizens, you get the right to complain, you get to walk along Orchard road smugly without racism comments (ok.. for me, at least). Personally I've been to places.. And in some places I don't called home, I totally got judged by my colour and labelled as a Communist Pig. And my less fortunate friends got kicked by some total strangers. Why? Just because of our colour...
I used to work in an English joint during the Worldcup season. Actually I was impressed by the patriotism those expats expressed when they came in for the game. At the sound of their national anthem, they sang along, loudly. I don't think us, Singaporean, will croon to the tune of Majulah Singapura anywhere. And to mention, one embarassing incident, during the semi-finals of the Tiger Cup at the National Stadium. The one where Singapore versus Mynnmar. The amount of Singaporean fans to the opposing team was 4:1. The Burmese fans truly sang their hearts out to their national anthem but in comparasion to our local counterpart, you can literally hear a pin drop from where I was sitting. Have all our Lions supporters lost their voices? From my judgement, apparently not! Not from all the "Referee Ka-U!!!"s, "Kelong ah!!!!"s, "Stupid Agu!! Your head gold (blonde), very heavy is it!!!"s...
From all these, highest level of patriotism: Anticipate for the 9th of August every year. Each Singaporean's heart will soar as high as the sparks of the fire works will take them *oh yes! We love Singapore!* and evanesce almost the same time the fireworks stop...
P/S: Since fireworks has such amazing powers, dear political leaders... You know what to do during election season! hehe..
22 April 2005
my mom, the bitch
I realised how your perception of life is exactly how it is going to be. If you think it's smooth sailing, it'll be.. Even when you are riding through rough patches, you know you are going to get over it someday. However, if you think that the whole world owes you a living and everyone is against you, then there is never gonna be a happy moment.
I have one such person in my family. She has given me life but not exactly the warmth of what a family should be. She's a total drama queen. I know... It's a terrible sin to bitch about your own mother. But I really can't stand her. She commands, I obliged. And she wanted more. Sheesh... And her most ultimate and powerful weapon... Her tears... Once she cries, everyone starts accusing me, be it whether I'm right or wrong. I don't even have a chance to explain or redeem myself.
She makes a big hoo haa over every single teeny weeny issues. That's her so-called poise of an empress dowager. And she claims that it's us (her family) that made her blood pressure really high and one day she's gonna die. Well, the other most frequently used tactic is to scream like a mad person and afterwhich, wail loudly to lament how awful she is just to be alive, the dialogue as predicted will goes something like that, (theatrically) "Oh heaven! What on earth have I done in my previous life to deserve the suffering I go through now? In my next life, please let me incarnate as a cow! I'm sure to be happier that way. Pleeeaaassee...... Wish me a quick death..." blah blah blah.. Stuff of that nature.. and almost as part of the routine, will attempt acts like opening the window and putting one leg out or taking a knife and threaten to commit sucide. The first few times she attempted, we panicked. Now, I'll just wait and see... After all, to take your own life takes alot of courage. Because from past experiences, she did drive me to the extend of trying to killing myself, but I had cold feet at the last hour.
Plus, she likes to talk bad about people and try to put others in bad light. Yeah.. She is a bad-case of severe self-denying. Working as a secretary, mind you.. normal secretary, not even confidential secretary, ok!... She complains about being under paid.. Please loh. $1800 is not low. And she put herself in high regard. I know, she's from River Valley High, attained A'levels', pretty good for the 1970's standard. But she don't know how to be thankful just to get a job at her age. How can she ever be contented. Seriously, I have never in my whole life met anyone bitcher than that. I felt bad having to say all these about my mom. I'm supposed to love my mom... I wouldn't say I don't love her but it's hard to accept her attitude, not at times, rather it's all the time. PMS everyday, every hour, every min ok!
My maternal aunties are identical to my mom. Together, they can be Zhen Qin II (you know the super bloody long Hong Kong drama series). Actually it's longer-running than that Zhen Qin ok! Very juicy storyline... issues revolving the broken family, youngest sister disowning the family, the re-union, the divorce, the shot-gun marriages, the boot-licking to richer relatives, their brother's sucided link to demon possession... blah blah blah... Well, there are definately many skeletons in my family's closet. Some which I know, some I think I better not know.
This is just a part of my life. And I regard it as a small percentage. I wanna look at it this way because I chose to. Everything is the matter of choice. The end of the world is never here until you summon it.
I have one such person in my family. She has given me life but not exactly the warmth of what a family should be. She's a total drama queen. I know... It's a terrible sin to bitch about your own mother. But I really can't stand her. She commands, I obliged. And she wanted more. Sheesh... And her most ultimate and powerful weapon... Her tears... Once she cries, everyone starts accusing me, be it whether I'm right or wrong. I don't even have a chance to explain or redeem myself.
She makes a big hoo haa over every single teeny weeny issues. That's her so-called poise of an empress dowager. And she claims that it's us (her family) that made her blood pressure really high and one day she's gonna die. Well, the other most frequently used tactic is to scream like a mad person and afterwhich, wail loudly to lament how awful she is just to be alive, the dialogue as predicted will goes something like that, (theatrically) "Oh heaven! What on earth have I done in my previous life to deserve the suffering I go through now? In my next life, please let me incarnate as a cow! I'm sure to be happier that way. Pleeeaaassee...... Wish me a quick death..." blah blah blah.. Stuff of that nature.. and almost as part of the routine, will attempt acts like opening the window and putting one leg out or taking a knife and threaten to commit sucide. The first few times she attempted, we panicked. Now, I'll just wait and see... After all, to take your own life takes alot of courage. Because from past experiences, she did drive me to the extend of trying to killing myself, but I had cold feet at the last hour.
Plus, she likes to talk bad about people and try to put others in bad light. Yeah.. She is a bad-case of severe self-denying. Working as a secretary, mind you.. normal secretary, not even confidential secretary, ok!... She complains about being under paid.. Please loh. $1800 is not low. And she put herself in high regard. I know, she's from River Valley High, attained A'levels', pretty good for the 1970's standard. But she don't know how to be thankful just to get a job at her age. How can she ever be contented. Seriously, I have never in my whole life met anyone bitcher than that. I felt bad having to say all these about my mom. I'm supposed to love my mom... I wouldn't say I don't love her but it's hard to accept her attitude, not at times, rather it's all the time. PMS everyday, every hour, every min ok!
My maternal aunties are identical to my mom. Together, they can be Zhen Qin II (you know the super bloody long Hong Kong drama series). Actually it's longer-running than that Zhen Qin ok! Very juicy storyline... issues revolving the broken family, youngest sister disowning the family, the re-union, the divorce, the shot-gun marriages, the boot-licking to richer relatives, their brother's sucided link to demon possession... blah blah blah... Well, there are definately many skeletons in my family's closet. Some which I know, some I think I better not know.
This is just a part of my life. And I regard it as a small percentage. I wanna look at it this way because I chose to. Everything is the matter of choice. The end of the world is never here until you summon it.
I'm alive!... The nightmare is over... The thought of myself being exploited by some cheap-skate company to do some job makes me felt cheap too. Well, that's the life of a designer. High expection, under paid, compensated with lots of personal time. No shit about it...
Let me move forward in life into another headache. My major project. Besides being heavily criticized by some lecturer I've never talk to before, I felt that the freelance job has took away almost all my drive toward my idea. My self-esteem has been at it's all time low. All these late sleepless night made me aged at least 5 years, heavy eyebags, prominent eye-rings, heavy bottom (a result of sitting too much) and finger cramps (from the clicking of mouse). It's not worth it for a freaking $200...
However, I'm happy that a new pope has been elected. Pope Benedict XVI... May he be as prophecized: " From the glory of the olive".. Deliver of peace. My greatest wish is to see catholics and protestant christians united as one. And also for the Jews and Muslims to accept Christ as God. After all, we are all counting on the same big BOSS... As I myself is a great believer of peace and harmony, I feel that animosity of any kind is the root of hatred and there is a negative butterfly effect to it.
Let me move forward in life into another headache. My major project. Besides being heavily criticized by some lecturer I've never talk to before, I felt that the freelance job has took away almost all my drive toward my idea. My self-esteem has been at it's all time low. All these late sleepless night made me aged at least 5 years, heavy eyebags, prominent eye-rings, heavy bottom (a result of sitting too much) and finger cramps (from the clicking of mouse). It's not worth it for a freaking $200...
However, I'm happy that a new pope has been elected. Pope Benedict XVI... May he be as prophecized: " From the glory of the olive".. Deliver of peace. My greatest wish is to see catholics and protestant christians united as one. And also for the Jews and Muslims to accept Christ as God. After all, we are all counting on the same big BOSS... As I myself is a great believer of peace and harmony, I feel that animosity of any kind is the root of hatred and there is a negative butterfly effect to it.
16 April 2005
Jaded... The only verb to describe how exactly I'm feeling now. My fuels are running low from all the late nights. So is my youth... My pair of eyebags are definately not showing me any mercy.
Through all the hussle and bustle of the lifestyle we lead, is the primary goal of living just to fill our lungs and stomachs to keep the mechanicms of our mortal shell running? Sole purpose of living is somehow more than that. How I wish it's just that simple.
Work: we work hard indeed to put food on the table, put clothes on ourselves. And some evil employers just like to make our lives harder because some other people didn't make it easier for them. What kind of a f-up world are we living in? I've been curious. I've been questioning the logic of life for the longest time... Why is there even the money in the first place? Why do we all have to be slaves to $$$?? Why do we have to study for the sake of earning more $$$?? I hate it... Cause I'm penniless. I'm shit without dollars and cents. Cause the logic of living, working and spending just doesn't make sense...
Through all the hussle and bustle of the lifestyle we lead, is the primary goal of living just to fill our lungs and stomachs to keep the mechanicms of our mortal shell running? Sole purpose of living is somehow more than that. How I wish it's just that simple.
Work: we work hard indeed to put food on the table, put clothes on ourselves. And some evil employers just like to make our lives harder because some other people didn't make it easier for them. What kind of a f-up world are we living in? I've been curious. I've been questioning the logic of life for the longest time... Why is there even the money in the first place? Why do we all have to be slaves to $$$?? Why do we have to study for the sake of earning more $$$?? I hate it... Cause I'm penniless. I'm shit without dollars and cents. Cause the logic of living, working and spending just doesn't make sense...
01 April 2005
Now you know why I love him so much... Such a darling, isn't he?.. But his words are making me blush.. heh...
Comments *Prior to my previous entry*:
Sometimes the most beautiful things in life are those we sadly overlook. U are a intelligent, beautiful girl with a heart of gold and u bring joy to everyone u come in touch with. Im sure everyone who knows you can attest to that. Don't ever feel this way about yourself, u should be proud of what God and your parents have given you, and see in yourself what others have seen in you! If u think you are a wall-flower, then u are a gorgeous one that envelopes everyone with your laughter,playfulness and fun-loving nature that we all have come to love and appreciate. You're just like a young,blooming sunflower who needs sunlight to grow and glow. And im just like the sunlight to provide u with that. Maybe somedays there'll be darkness and rain, but one thing's for sure, i'll always be there to brighten up your day once again, like a rainbow after the storm! And dont forget, your talents in design are jus like flower seeds, they need time to bloom so dont fret! Your time will come! ">
Jordan to everyone: Do all of u think Dymphna Candice is a talented designer, a fabulous frd and a joy bringer to everyone??
Everyone: Of course we do! We love her because... She is Candice and she is unique and no one can every replace her in our lives. ">
# posted by Jordi : 11:59 AM
Comments *Prior to my previous entry*:
Sometimes the most beautiful things in life are those we sadly overlook. U are a intelligent, beautiful girl with a heart of gold and u bring joy to everyone u come in touch with. Im sure everyone who knows you can attest to that. Don't ever feel this way about yourself, u should be proud of what God and your parents have given you, and see in yourself what others have seen in you! If u think you are a wall-flower, then u are a gorgeous one that envelopes everyone with your laughter,playfulness and fun-loving nature that we all have come to love and appreciate. You're just like a young,blooming sunflower who needs sunlight to grow and glow. And im just like the sunlight to provide u with that. Maybe somedays there'll be darkness and rain, but one thing's for sure, i'll always be there to brighten up your day once again, like a rainbow after the storm! And dont forget, your talents in design are jus like flower seeds, they need time to bloom so dont fret! Your time will come! ">
Jordan to everyone: Do all of u think Dymphna Candice is a talented designer, a fabulous frd and a joy bringer to everyone??
Everyone: Of course we do! We love her because... She is Candice and she is unique and no one can every replace her in our lives. ">
# posted by Jordi : 11:59 AM
Female Vs Male
I guess I'm a WEIRD WOMAN... Do take a look at these test results. Am I a headache to MAN-kind or what?? haha...
Your Brain is 80.00% Female, 20.00% Male |
Your brain leans female You think with your heart, not your head Sweet and considerate, you are a giver But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! |
You Are 35% Normal (Occasionally Normal) |
![]() You sure do march to your own beat... But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all You think on a totally different wavelength And it's often a chore to get people to understand you |
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