So why am I so attached to her? Because, she is my first hamster. I adopted her about 1 1/2 years ago from my friend, Kel. He is the one who discovered her abandoned by the road side with her cage opened, vulnerable to attacks from cats in the neighbourhood. Her previous owner didn't really take good care of her cause Kel found Ritz biscuit in her food bowl, dirty bedding and she was pretty much ungroomed. So Kel rescued her, feed her proper hamster food and clean her up. But he can't adopt her since he already had quite a few hamsters himself. He then asked if I wanna keep her and I agreed. When Airene and I saw her, we decided to call her "Pastel" due to her light golden fur. Since then, she has been residing in my room. She never fights back, always allow me to hold and stroke her. She's quite an acrobat too. Overtime, I grew real fond of her. And now that her days are numbered, I am left low-spirited. I can't believe she won't be with me any much longer.
Though I feel silly writing all these, I just want to let go of some sorrow in my heart. Pardon me.

My deepest condolences, candice. But don't worry, I think Pastel will be going to a better place. She will be happy to survived such an ordeal and gain such a loving owner like you!
yeah candice, at least Pastel will be happy :) even till her last breath, she noes u've been good to her and is happy to have as her last owner
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