06 May 2006

The Peanuts vs Carrots election

To be frank, I am a little disappointed at the issues raised at the election rallies. The PAP didn't pin-point the exact problems that we (read average joes and janes) faced but tempted us with, as the media phrased it, "dangling carrots" (aka upgradings). The Opposition parties (SDA, SDP, WP) voiced out concerns that, I must admit, strikes a chord in my heart.

However, the future looks bleak with the Opposition and I have my reserves about their promises. Why? From my point of view, it would be the lack of resources. So with insufficient resources, how are they going to improve our lives? But then again, it brings me to another point. Why are funds distributed unevenly between the parties? Don't they have a common pool of funds that they can utilise based on the size of their constituencies? The PAP can promise residents living in Hougang up to $100,000,000 worth of up-grading programmes. And yes. That's alot alot of money. Have anyone ever thought about if this sum of money is well-spent for up-grading purposes? Wouldn't it be better if that money is used to subsidise transport costs and maybe provide a bit of relief for the needy amongst our fellow Singaporeans? Well for that cause, I guess it'll be alright for the majority of us not to have revamped lift-landings or beautiful landscape gardens. Or to some, maybe not. After all, Singaporeans are quite well-known for being practical (these days, even foreigners living here are influenced too).

All in all, I feel that the Election Campaigning period shouldn't be wasted on blowing minor issues out of proportions (NKF and Gomez episodes). Rather, the focus should be on how to be in-tune with matters at the grassroots and making policies that are beneficial to the society. I am heartened to find that they are finally moving on on the Gomez incident.

The media plays an important part in the election too. Some said they (the media) are biased. But I think otherwise. Most of the reports I read were not misleading. I mean, search your heart. Who doesn't want to look their best when the camera is pointing at them? And you don't get to see your MPs scrubbing your void deck floors everyday, do you? We wouldn't know what is Wayang until we fail to see results. Besides that, I must thank the gift of technology for helping voters like me access alternative views and highlights to the rallies. By the way, check out the
massive crowd
at the Hougang field rally.

Okay. It's almost 6am now. And the poll centers will be opening its floodgates in about 2 hours time. I'm going to get some winks before I go down and mark that X on the polling card. Yup, I have made up my mind. I would love to reveal my choice but voting is secret. So sshhhh... By the way, dear voters, do go with your heart. Give the parties a run for their money.

(P/S: Btw, SDP got an interesting take on why the distribution of their newsletter got disrupted. FYI, it's not about the Peanuts)


derutrot said...

wooo... u're deep..

Anonymous said...

Very well-written! Impressive my dear, u should volunteer yourself to the opposition. =)