04 July 2005

The Booger Man

Today, I met the infamous the Booger Man. Well...

I met the Booger Man on my bus home at the end of day. He slumped ungraciously into his seat and started sneezing. Then he let all the booger oozed out from his nostrils. The Booger Man had nothing to clean his mucus with. Before I knew it, he started blowing his nose on his palms. He then smudge the content of his palms all over the seats. I felt so disguisted just but staring at him from the corner of my eye. Booger Man caught me staring at him. I gave him a sting eye. He felt uneasy and moved to the back of the bus and started blowing his nose all over again.

I seriously hope SBS cleans their seats with sanitizers.

P.S.: Please SBS cleaners, keep us safe from the attack of the Booger Man.. Pretty Please!!!

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