06 November 2007

Don't you know that shit can be WHITE?

This video just freaking make my blood boils. Not only are these arrogant prats a disgrace to their own race, but they are also making us, asians, hate them a little more.

Here's my little encounter with them, white shite. When I was in the "great" Britain, I have some French guys calling me and my (asian) friends "communist pigs". And some young British punks threw rubbish at us while they were driving pass. One of my girl-friends was being poked fun at to look like a "lady-boy" and a Burmese friend got kicked in the butt by some girls at the Underground. Which makes me think of Lily Allen that motor-mouth-of-rubbish girl with that "I-will-do-as-I-please" attitude.

You know us, asians, we are submissive and docile due to the course of history that tamed our manners towards our more "superior" white counterparts. To mention a few global impression Asians: We are "cunning", We "hate to lose", we don't mind "dirty, lowly jobs", we are usually related to "drug lords" or "mafia" or "rogues"..so on and so forth... But realised that we never openly jeer at caucasians, let alone those caucasian old folks. Well, not suggesting that the next time you see some old caucasian geezer with a young perky SPG in toll, you should go up and say, "Oh.. you are so benevolent. Did you adopt your grand-daugther from a third-world country nearby?"

Because 2 wrongs don't make a right.

*And there is nothing GREAT about Britain.*

1 comment:

Quaney said...

what a coincidence. :)