15 September 2005

Power Flush!

We wee, we crap into them everyday. We are fussy about using them in public. We hate the snail-crawl queue. We complained about the auto-sensored flush that activates when we shit. We leave our shit in the potty if the flush is faulty.

And yah. Singaporean females do have really long stools. They are so long and heavy, the average auto-matic flushers proclaims their incompetency. For two days in a row, I have visited toilets with crap left behind as souvenirs. Actually I felt really amazed rather than disguisted. How on earth can anyone ever have such thick and long crap??? And the second one (at Toa Payoh Central's toilet), is estimated to be at least 20cm in length and has hairy stuff (like ginseng roots) sticking out of its ends. It could be easily mistaken as a dead fetus.

Since the authorities are going to increase the number of toilet cubicles and bowls in public toilets, I think they should also think about upgrading the flushers too. If not, a toilet bowl with stools stuck in them is as good as a useless potty.

*A Big Heartfelt Thank You to all the janitors*

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